Saturday, November 18, 2006

"We'll succeed unless we quit."

When Bush said this to reporters in Vietnam my jaw would have dropped if an insane statement like this from our dim-witted president wasn't part of a pattern of denial and inability to see the facts.

How can anyone in their right mind say this about Vietnam, much less, Iraq? To me there are two possibilities.

1) Bush is delusional - this is highly possible. When he was in Thailand he was filmed playing a local instrument similar to a xylophone. He looked like he was a kid in a special ed class discovering for the first time that when you hit the key with a mallet it makes a noise.

2) Bush is a liar and knows that Iraq is lost and is trying to bide his time till he leaves office so there is a possibility to blame it on someone else - for "cutting and running." This possibility is more likely. If this is indeed what Bush is doing he should be impeached right now. In the next two years we are likely to have another thousand of our young men and women die. These deaths will be even more needless than the 2,900 that have already been sacrificed for Bush's Folly.

We have not seen this kind of ineptitude in the presidency since James Buchanan (1857-1861) who sat in office and did nothing as the nation moved towards civil war. Kind of a fitting analogy since the current occupant of the oval office is doing nothing to prevent a civil war in Iraq.

George W. Bush has been the worst thing to happen to this country since Richard Nixon and deserves Nixon's fate - to leave office in disgrace. He has disgraced the American people, our image, and our military. The Neo-Con movement needs to go down with this man as well. I didn't think anything could make me wish for a return to Reagan Republicans or better yet Goldwater Republicans.

Jesus H. Tap-Dancing Christ in a Sidecar! Mr. President you are (or have already) ruining my country. Please, for the love of god, leave office and let someone competent take your place.


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