Friday, November 10, 2006

VA Marriage Amendment

Virginia Marriage Amendment

It is a sad day in Virginia.

The biggest disappointment in this election was the small-minded ballot initiative to prevent gay marriage. It is really a shame that a constitution carries nonsense like this - constitutions should specify rights that we have not limit rights we don't have. It's a very bad idea whether or not you approve of gay marriage. I never understood why people get so enraged about gay marriage - unless you own an insurance business and don't want to cover a bunch of new people. I have long suspected that the insurance industry was behind a lot of this since they would take a big hit having to insure folks as well as having to pay death benefits to same-sex

Virginians, If you don't like gay marriage, don't marry a gay person. It really is that simple.

There is not a single marriage other than mine in this whole country that I personally care about or has any affect on mine. Not that I wish other marriages ill and I hope everyone is happy with their choice of a partner - it's just not my business nor is it anyone else's business.

I have always understood that marriage laws were about property rights and the division of property upon the dissolution of marriage. There is no slippery slope to polygamy since marriage is essentially a 50-50 business contract between 2 people - you cannot engage in this kind of partnership with more than one person. Nor, as Rick Santorum, claimed that it would lead to bestiality since the last time I checked, a dog cannot enter into a legal contract, nor can a child.

There is no law or code or anything telling people that when they get married they have to have children or even love each other. Therefore, all of the arguments that say that marriage is for raising children do not hold water. So it is ok for a gold-digging woman or man to get married only to leach off another human being even if you despise the person you decide to marry. We let Britney Spears wield the institution of marriage like a 3-year old with a squirt gun but a same sex couple that has been loyal to each other for 20 years cannot. It isn't fair and isn't right. If your church doesn't want to perform same sex marriages that is church business - the state's business should not discriminate against any group for the sole reason that they belong to a certain group. When I got married this summer I don't remember seeing anything saying that I was doing so I could have children or any other reason other than my wife and I decided it was the right thing to do.

57% of Virginians did a huge disservice to my state and were dead wrong – very disappointing. The Virginia constitution is a venerable document and should not have been stained with this amendment.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

lost boy

5:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

table mate ii

5:16 AM  

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